EWN Sarah Lane Popup

Team Member:
Sarah Lane
Lead Communications Genie
Biddeford, Maine
Most days you can find me...
With at least 7 different tabs open on my work laptop, slicing and dicing through emails, drafts, and anything to do with refining our company communication! When I'm not working, my toddler and I love to bake together. I have recipes that say "30 minutes alone. 60-75 min. when baking with E."
My Enneagram is:
2 with a 1 wing
I’m most proud of…
My daughters. Becoming a mama has (as eyeyroll-ing as this sounds) legit changed my life, perspective, and goals. The sound of "mama mama" on repeat is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.
Daily Rituals:
Coffee first. Won't leave the house without eyeliner and mascara, sometimes red lipstick. A walk to the park. Read-aloud board books for E, historical fiction for me. Happy hour with my welder husband concludes the night while playing dominos or watching Netflix.
These are a few of my favorite things:
My family-- the random move to Maine to simply...be. Traveling-- especially to Latin America. Manicures--done by yours truly, long, polished, designs, you name it. Just never, ever, nude.
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